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How to get a horizontal gap between Hardie panels

bsandersga | Posted in General Questions on

The installation instructions for Hardie panels require a gap of 1/4 inch between panels and horizontal Z flashing. What I have not been able to learn is how installers accomplish this feat. An eight foot panel weighs 76 lbs and ten foot panels weight 92 lbs. that is a lot for two people to horse around.

I would like to use SmartSide, but it is not available in a smooth finish at this time.


  1. Patrick_OSullivan | | #1

    I would think some 1/4" shims on the Z flashing would do the trick. I suppose you could lightly tape them so you don't accidentally knock them off. A 1/4" gap should allow your to fish out the tape after you pull the shims.

    > I would like to use SmartSide, but it is not available in a smooth finish at this time.

    This is very annoying. My house has smooth SmartSide, and it not being available anymore has me looking into other products for a workshop/garage.

  2. Expert Member
    Akos | | #2

    I use a carpenter's pencil, I doubt the installer would use something else. This is 1/4" one way and 1/2" the other way.

  3. Deleted | | #3


  4. BSBot | | #4

    Carpenter's pencil for the win.

  5. bsandersga | | #5

    Carpenter’s pencil and tape seems like the best idea.

    LP hasn’t shown good judgement by discontinuing smooth panels and then taking so long to get them back in production. Looks to be a great product, if you could get it.

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