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How to find a good insulation contractor in Milwaukee, WI

SteZy | Posted in General Questions on

Hey all,

Looking for some collective advise or anyone that has used a contractor in the area that they could recommend. I have a 1.5 story house built in 2005-6. Plan on staying here for the next 20 years at least.

I am specifically looking to have someone go through the attic. Currently, blown fiberglass in attic and with 1.5 story, some walls with exposed batts, I was going around one area, bath fan not connected, no air sealing details in the attic, insulation uneven, and such.

Anyways, I unfortunately don’t have time to go through and do things myself to ensure things are “right” and have worked with contractors in the past that definitely have trouble following details such as suggested here, building science corp, etc. 

How do you go about finding a reputable insulation contractor or anyone around the area have a rec?


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  1. 730d | | #1

    I can't help you find one there but part of the problem is it is expensive for them to work with a customer with a different set of expectations than they are used to.

    The time they spend with you making sure you are both on the same page needs to be payed for one way or another. Its also time consuming to do what you might be thinking and they might think you want it but are not willing to pay for it.

    You need to talk to as many as you have time for, maybe a half dozen or so till you find someone who is comfortable with you as you are with them. I think that process will help you make a decision.

    1. SteZy | | #2

      I agree. I am thinking the easiest way will be a flash and batt/blown setup for them and likely removing existing insulation to do this most efficiently on their end. I will have to see what they suggest for the exposed walls in the attic and stack up where fiberglass batts are exposed

  2. cmobuilds | | #3

    As an insulation contractor Ive won bids that were higher merely because my suggestions and explanations were more robust than my competition and Ive spent more time with the client before Ive gotten the job. And really my initial visit is probably 1/2 hour to 45 minutes on a normal house.

    So my suggestion to you would be have them over for a bid. Without prompting they should ask to inspect your attic, if they go up which they should if air sealing is involved even better. (Again won many jobs because I went in the attic versus poking my head in).

    Ask questions, they should be able to educate you in a manner that jibes with bits and pieces you pick up on a site such as this, just remember this site is not gospel, there is a lot of good advice here, and there is some real hair brained advice here, at least in the Q&A.

    They should be versatile enough to be able to handle bath fan revents, penetration flashings, fan replacements.

    Competent enough to check the entire health of your attic. We check sheathing condition, look for cracked rafters, bad venting, electrical issues, cracked plumbing venting, any moisture issues during an initial visit then while the work is being completed even if it isn't part of our scope of work.

    I break out bids menu style. I push for whats needed but sometimes people just dont want it. The bid should clearly explain all the measures being proposed.

    Hope this helps, I don't know any Milwaukee guys, but check the Trade Ally page on the Focus on Energy website.

    1. 730d | | #4


    2. SteZy | | #5

      Thanks T Carlson, appreciate the input. So far two guys out, one very quick stating he doesn't do airsealing really, despite me stating prior to him coming out this is what I was looking for along with additional insulation. Other company, very thorough, hooked up blower door, focusing on air sealing problem spots only which I think is very reasonable from a cost vs. performance standpoint

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