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How to dehumidify my uninsulated storage shed in 4a?

mikeysp | Posted in General Questions on

Hi, I am in 4a (Nashville) and I have a fairly well air sealed 14’x36′(500 SQ FT/50 SQ m) storage shed.

How do I dehumidify it in the colder months?

I will be storing different household items, out of season clothing, etc..

I have plenty of electricity in it and want to dehumidify, so the items do not mildew and mold up as it is such a wet humid area. 

However, a dehumidifier seems to only work in warmer conditions, so I am at a loss as to what to do about the colder months?

Thank you.


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  1. Andrew_C | | #1

    I’m not sure how much of a problem you face. When the temperature is colder, the air is drier. And in colder temperatures, mold and mildew growth slows or stops. I think most decent dehumidifiers have an automatic cold temperature shut-off switch, so you can probably just set the dehumidifier to a given humidity setpoint in the fall and it will self-regulate. Off the top of my head, I don’t know what the mold growth versus temperature curve looks like, but I suspect that you will be okay if you have decent air-sealing and a good dehumidifier. Food for thought?

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