How to build a solar business
I am starting a new business and would like to make the edifice all solar. So my questions are 1. how much will it cost if the building size is 13 stories high and 3 city blocks wide? 2. how much time would it take to build. 3. are there any special permits needed. 4. how many people would be needed on a project such as this. Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Your question sounds like an obvious prank, but perhaps it isn't. In case it isn't, suffice it to say that:
1. There is no definition for an "all solar edifice" -- I'm not even sure what you mean, but you're probably referring to a building equipped with a PV array large enough to meet its electricity needs.
2. The energy intensity of buildings varies widely. Electricity consumption is not proportional to building volume.