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How to best flash an outdoor electrical meter base?

Debra_Ann | Posted in General Questions on

We’re building a home, and I’ve worked out how to flash all our other exterior penetrations – but I’m not sure how to best handle the meter base.  We have plywood sheathing, Tyvek, and vinyl siding.  I’ve not been able to find good instructions on how to flash the meter base.  Anyone have suggestions?  Thanks.

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    Are you talking about the "meter can", the box the meter plugs into? These aren't normally flashed. Generally what you want to do is provide a mounting surface for the box, and how you do that depends on what kind of siding you have. I'll assume lap siding since that's probably the most complex in this case. What you generally want to do is provide a flat board-like mounting surface and flash that surface so that water is directed to the outside (front) of the surface and not back into any of the siding.

    Once you have established a mounting surface, the meter can just mounts on that surface. The box itself will generally have slightly raised mounting "feet" to hold it a bit off of the surface. You don't want to direct water to the top or sides of the box since the box is designed to be "drip tight", which basically means it can keep water out but only if the water is mostly running straight down. If you flash things and direct water to the front of the box, for example, the water may get in between the drip edges and find its way inside the box.

    Basically don't try to flash the box -- just flash the surface the box mounts to. If you have different siding like brick or T1-11, just mount the meter can to the surface and don't worry about it.


  2. Peter Yost | | #2

    Hi Debra -

    In this job site video of my deep energy retrofit, at about 2 min. 15 secs. I show and explain how we moved and dealt with the electrical meter.


  3. Debra_Ann | | #3

    Thanks for the info! Very helpful.

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