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How to avoid top layer of concrete coming off?

mikeysp | Posted in General Questions on

Hi. I moved drove my skidsteer with steel tracks in my buddy’s shop and look what happened to the top layer of concrete in a few spots. I will be pouring a slab soon and want to know if their is anything I can do on my pour to give it more durability and mitigate the possibility of top layer delamination?

Thank you. -Mike

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  1. rockies63 | | #1

    Was the concrete that came off part of a layer that was recently applied? If so, the person probably didn't use a bonding agent between the old layer and top layer. Another problem could be that the old layer was painted so a bond couldn't be made between the two layers. If the concrete that came off was all part of the concrete slab then you may have water coming up through the floor and causing the top layer to degrade.

    As to pouring a new layer of concrete you should make sure that the existing surface isn't breaking free and then either apply a concrete bonding agent before the new pour or use a concrete mix that already has a bonding agent in it.

  2. Expert Member


    There are a few things you can do. Specify a high mpa concrete mix, add fibres, and when the slab has cured apply a liquid surface harder.

    That said, there aren't many slabs that won't show wear when you drive equipment with steel tracks on them.

  3. Jon_R | | #3

    Also avoid working too much water into the upper layer of the concrete. Dryer is stronger (up to a point where it's unworkable).

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