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Community and Q&A

How to access all of previous comments or questions?

kevinjm4 | Posted in General Questions on

In my profile, I can only go so far back and hence only view a portion of my questions and comments.. How do you access all of your own past questions and comments?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Here are some hints:

    1. For questions, you can click the "View more" button (at the bottom of the "Recent Questions and Replies" box on the home page). This brings you to a new page ("Community and Q&A") that lists questions chronologically, from newest to oldest. There are currently 1,627 pages available -- so you can scroll backwards in time, as far as you want.

    2. For comments, you are unfortunately out of luck, once you review the five most recent comments shown on the home page (in the "Recent Article Comments" box). This is a real glitch of our new web site -- our old web site had a feature allowing readers to see the 50 most recent comments, and (if I recall correctly) to scroll backwards in time even further. The web page designers responsible for our new web site eliminated this feature, against my strong objections. That was a web site design battle that I lost.

    3. There is always Google. If you can remember a few key words in a comment you'd like to re-read -- for example, "weak air flow through my bath fan" -- you can try searching Google this way: "weak air flow through my bath fan" +"Greenbuildingadvisor". This method works best if you have a vivid, rarely used phrase for your search words, and if you type the words perfectly.

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