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How should I fill in space between a slab floor and the perimeter walls?

mollypic | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

The floor has radiant coils and insulation underneath but the perimeter was not insulated when the slab was poured. We cut a trough (1.5″ wide) and now want to fill it with insulation. Any suggestions on how to do this? The house is in the Northeast and is essentially sitting on dry sand.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    This sounds like a basement slab -- right?

    You wrote, "We cut a trough (1.5 inch wide) and now want to fill it with insulation. Any suggestions on how to do this?" The easiest solution is to install XPS or EPS insulation that is 1.5 inch thick, cut into strips that are as wide as the trough is deep.

    If you prefer, however, you can fill the trough with closed-cell spray foam.

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