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How much heat is saved removing a window-mounted air conditioner in winter?

Sallyannbad1 | Posted in General Questions on

How much heat is saved in winter by removing window air conditioner? Is there a rule of thumb?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    There is no rule of thumb. The answer depends on your climate and whether or not the air conditioner was installed with weatherstripping and good air sealing techniques. The colder the climate and the leakier the installation, the more heat will be saved.

    If you find it difficult or awkward to remove the air conditioner, at least take steps to limit air infiltration. There are lots of products out there (rope-type caulks, gaskets, and window film kits) that can help.

    One final point: building codes require that every bedroom have an operable window to allow residents to escape in case of a fire. If your air conditioner is blocking the only escape window, it's hazardous.

  2. charlie_sullivan | | #2

    There are also insulating air sealing covers available in a wide range of quality and effectiveness. Here's an example that looks good to me, but I can't vouch for it.

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