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How much does a small scale biomass chp system cost?

bigvibes | Posted in Mechanicals on

Does anyone know the costs of a small scale biomass chp system that can provide both heat and electricity (both installed cost and running costs)?
How feasible is it for a residential application?

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  1. paul_wiedefeld | | #1

    Giving this a bump. Interested if anyone has experience here.

    There are gas CHP systems, but few small ones. I think that might answer the question since biomass isn’t often cheaper than gas.

  2. matthew25 | | #2

    Is this for off-grid applications? It doesn't seem very green based on some limited googling I just did.

  3. Tim_O | | #3

    Using biomass such as wood for electricity would be difficult. You'd need some sort of miniature steam generator... You'd need pretty large energy storage, etc to make that all work. The closest you will get is using a diesel generator converted to run on vegetable oil. But all said and done, your emissions doing that are pretty high. When you are talking combustion, especially diesel, carbon is just one emission among many.

    I went where I did above because any generator that is liquid cooled can very easily be converted to be a CHP. Couple heater hoses tapped into the right spots and you're set.

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