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How do we remove our freestanding ventless gas log fireplace?

Rene'Davidson8 | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

We have a huge ventless gas log fireplace unit that has never been used, nor is planned to be used. We want to remove it, but do not know what is behind or underneath it, and if it will be costly to repair once removed. What is the proper way to remove this monstrosity?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If you are unsure how to proceed, it makes sense to hire a contractor to do this work. Any competent remodeling contractor should be able to help you.

    Before proceeding, the gas line and the electrical wiring must be safely disconnected. Then the finishes around the unit need to be removed (demolished), at least to the extent necessary to remove the fireplace unit. Once the unit is removed, the finishes (gypsum wallboard and finish flooring) need to be repaired.

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