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How do I deal with insulating the perimeter wall with this new concrete slab/finished floor?

CASUDI | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Note in the attached diagram there is no insulation between the new 4″ concrete slab and the perimeter wall ~ If I insulate 2″ from the perimeter wall can I move the 6″ SIP over 2″ to cover the insulation?( I was told I could however I think this would be problem with the SIP plate?)

If my question is not clear I will create another diagram to the one attached (created for another question) NOTE this is a remodel and I want the walls to meet the floor at 90 degrees (no bump) and everything; floors, perimeter foundation, walls be fully insulated (no leaks) ?

I hope I am posting this in the right place ~ I am new to this Q & A forum.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You definitely want to install vertical rigid foam insulation at the perimeter of the slab. If you bevel the top of your insulation -- that is, cut it back at a 45-degree angle -- the concrete will hide the top of the foam.

  2. CASUDI | | #2

    GREAT ~ That's exactly what my Design partner suggested ~ he will be very pleased with your answer.

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