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How can I keep a boiler protected from water.

p9 | Posted in Mechanicals on

This is an old house where water enters the basement in heavy rains. There is nowhere to dump the water outside of the house because everything floods in the area. Once the boiler equipment gets wet it gets damaged. This may sound crazy but is there some kind of the inflatable balloon or some type of the water protector to go all around the unit the, when you know you our going have heavy flooding conditions. Are would a frame partition enclosure that is waterproof with some kind of sealed door work.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I have friends with a house that faced similar conditions.
    The solution is to move all of the heating appliances upstairs.
    Switching to an on-demand water heater and a wall-hung boiler may make this possible if you don't have much room upstairs.

  2. p9 | | #2

    Thank You Martin, it is a very tight small house I will see if I can hang it up. Thank you and to everyone at Greenadvisory have a nice Thanksgiving!

  3. Michael Chandler | | #3

    When we had a similar situation we just trenched around the perimeter of the basement, put in a french drain and a sump pump and added a de-humidifer which drained into the sump. Somewhat energy intensive, but it worked.

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