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House overhang insulation

bosshog2212 | Posted in General Questions on

My main floor overhands 4 foot from the basement. This section is extremely cold on the feet compared to what’s over the basement. What would be best way to insulate an overhand? I opened it up and currently it has batts in there. So thin piece of wood, then batt insulation then floor…. But there is a gap, nothing sealed.

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  1. canada_deck | | #1

    I'm a little confused by what you mean when you say there is a cap. what is the flooring material? My guess is that the best solution for you will be a layer of exterior continuous Rockwool Comfortboard insulation on the bottom side of the overhang as we all as careful attention to air sealing while you are at it.

    1. bosshog2212 | | #3

      Meant to say there is a gap.

  2. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #2

    Usually cold floors are caused by cold air leaking in. You want to air seal the underside of that overhang as thoroughly as you can.

    1. bosshog2212 | | #4

      Air seal with some spray foam ok at the seams?

  3. Malcolm_Taylor | | #5


    I would suggest two things.

    - Block off the overhang over the foundation wall with pieces of foam board sealed with canned foam between the floor joists. This will stop air moving into the basement.
    - Put a layer of foam board under the overhang and cover with plywood (or other protective cladding) to reduce thermal bridging.

  4. Leed2004 | | #6

    Gaps around pipes, wiring, soffit vents, and other penetrations are major culprits. Use high-quality caulk, spray foam, or weatherstripping to seal them completely.

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