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Honeywell or LifeBreath ERV

josephny | Posted in General Questions on
Does anyone have any info, experience or advice on choosing between the following two ERVs:

Honeywell 5150 ERV

LifeBreath 170 ERVD



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  1. Trevor_Lambert | | #1

    Between those two, the Lifebreath is far better in terms of efficiency. I'm not sure I'd choose either over other options, but the Honeywell wouldn't even be in the running with an SRE of only 65% and even poorer warm weather performance.

    1. josephny | | #2

      Thank you -- I didn't know about SRE (and now I do).

      Is there a brand that really stands out (but not really really expensive)?

      1. Trevor_Lambert | | #3

        The Lifebreath might be fine, I just don't really know. A lot of people get excited about the Panasonic Intelli-Balance, but it's too small for most applications, IMO.

        I would check out the product listing page at to get a sense of what options there are.

        1. josephny | | #4

          Thank you!

        2. exeric | | #5

          There was a comment from an individual that seemed to have some inside knowledge of Panasonic's future plans. He said they are planning to offer a 200 cfm ERV in the near future with boost mode IIRC. If your time horizon allows for an installation a year or more in the future I think that might be an ERV worth waiting for. I own a 100cfm Panasonic unit and I'm very pleased with its efficiency and overall operation.

          1. CarsonZone5B | | #6

            I believe I heard this on the FHB IBS podcast as well, but I googled it and found nothing. I would go with that one if it was coming out sooner, but I wouldn't hold out on a release soon. Because the 100's cfm rate was pushing it, I decided to go with Broan's AI self-balancing line instead. Not as efficient, but decent and seems to have a good ecosystem of controls.

  2. josephny | | #7

    I'm hoping to have this installed by end of next month, so (like always) time is short -- thank you anyway.

    It looks like the LifeBreath 170 ERV is how I'm going.

    Thank you all!

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