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High-efficiency windows (U=0.1 or R=10)

T_Barker | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Can anyone suggest window manufacturers that produce very high efficiency windows for residential buildings? I’m looking for U=0.1 (R=10) or better across whole window.

My preference would be North American made, but anywhere in the world is fine.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    T. Barker,
    You might want to look at Alpen windows. Alpen describes its Zenith Series ZR-10 windows as "The only commercially available, NFRC-certified full frame 0.10 U-factor window in North America."

    For more information on the Alpen Zenith series ZR-10 window, see ZR-10 window.

    For a wide variety of opinions on windows, see "What Windows Should I Buy?"

  2. T_Barker | | #2

    OK, thanks Martin!

  3. Yupster | | #3

    I wonder what the pricing on those is like...

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