Hidden Jewels
Every once in a while a Blog shows up on the main page at GBA….
It generates a few comments and then it fades away…….
Some of the very best comments are barely seen.
Here is a good example …
see comment #2 by Bill Rose
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part
John -
At least half of the hidden jewels are from Bill Rose. In search of hidden jewels, one would be wise to just type his name in the search bar...
John S,
that is a good suggestion.
the search function locates comments & blogs that mention "Bill Rose"
but as far as I know there is no way to search for comments made by Bill.... or any other poster for that matter.
Or maybe I just don't know how to properly use the search function?
As far as I can tell, you are right.
That's something we should ask our Web programming people to fix. Thanks for pointing it out.
A recent "jewel" that was posted after the blog ....drifted.... away.....
Post 25 by Robert Riversong