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Help with a new home and Isokern fireplaces

austinl | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

We live in a new home in Mansfield, Texas. Inside, we have 2 Isokern fireplaces with Eiklor Ultimate 5 log sets. When we run the fireplaces, they do seem to generate a strong smell we are concerned about. The smell in the master is worse than the living room. The home is air tight, energy efficient, and 1 story. The 3 ac units/furnaces do have Honeywell Fresh Air intakes. The fireplaces also have fresh air intakes. The logset installer says there are no gas leaks.

Any advice or guidance on helping us figure out what the problem is and what needs to be done would be greatly appreciated.

Do you have someone who has experience with newer, airtight homes, and with Isokern and Eiklor, who might be able to figure out what a potential solution might be?


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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    Can you provide a more detailed description of the smell?

  2. austinl | | #2

    It's not rotten egg smell. It's like a strong chemical smell.

    I've had the logset installer check for gas leaks twice now. I've also had our plumber check as well. The logset installer said it could be the smell of combustion and that we might need to work on improving draft.

    The master is much worse than the living room. I've wondered if it's just both logsets. My parents have Isokern fireplaces with Eiklor logsets and their sets don't seem to "smell," but they've also been in that house 8+ years now. Their house is also probably not as tight as ours.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    I'm not familiar with Isokern fireplaces, but I always want to start every inquiry at the beginning.

    1. I assume that these fireplaces burn natural gas or propane, not wood. Am I correct?

    2. I notice that Isokern makes so-called "vent-free" fireplaces as well as vented models. Since you have provided photos of chimneys, I'm assuming that these are vented gas fireplaces. Am I correct?

  4. austinl | | #4

    1. They can do either, natural gas or wood. My wife isn't a fan of wood and the mess, though, so we did natural gas logsets.

    2. Yes, these are vented fireplaces.

    Moved in the house basically in January. When we used the fireplaces a couple of times in January and February, we had the smell and had everything checked. But because of the smell only ran each fireplace a few times. I just turned the pilot lights on again recently, and I want to get this resolved before our 1 year is up with our builder.

  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #5

    I would definitely document this problem by sending a letter -- maybe even a certified or registered letter -- to the builder, notifying the builder of an unresolved warranty issue.

    If the builder doesn't have any good ideas, contact Isokern:

    National Headquarters
    6899 Phillips Industrial Blvd.
    Jacksonville, FL 32256

  6. user-2310254 | | #6


    This video is from a different manufacturer, but it may help you resolve your odor problem.

  7. austinl | | #7

    Thanks. I've also lined up a certified installer to come to our house tomorrow to double-check the logsets and to do smoke / draft tests.

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