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Help deciding which Mini-Split HVAC to buy

user-1088476 | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

I’m following advice from a previous question I posted here and planning to install a mini-split in my garage apartment. Various sources and calculations indicate an 18,000btu unit is optimal. I’m thinking of purchasing one online, doing some of the less technical work, and having my AC technician do the final hook ups, etc. I have a few questions inhibiting progress.

1) I’ve looked for ratings or reviews from unbiased sources on various brands and models to no avail. I’ve heard that LG and Mr. Slim (Mitsubishi) are good choices. Is there an objective overview out there? Consumer reports had nothing that I could find.

2) Is there a particular online source that has a good track record?

3) I’m thinking the warranty will not be an issue if I have a licenced HVAC technician finish the installation, fill out paperwork, etc. Is that true?

4) My installation would minimize twists and turns in the lines/pipe connectiong the indoor and outdoor unit if the line connections were on the left side of the wall mounted unit. Is left or right an option?

5) Should I buy the hightest SEER rating I can afford?

Thanks so much for your help. Dorothy

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I can't help with all of your questions, but I can answer some of them.

    Q. "I'm thinking the warranty will not be an issue if I have a licenced HVAC technician finish the installation, fill out paperwork, etc. Is that true?"

    A. That question can only be answered by the contractor you hire. Many HVAC contractors would not accept your proposed arrangement, but some might.

    Q. "My installation would minimize twists and turns in the lines/pipe connectiong the indoor and outdoor unit if the line connections were on the left side of the wall mounted unit. Is left or right an option?"

    A. This question should be directed to the technical help hotline of the manufacturer whose model you are considering. The information may also be available in the installation manual. Some installation manuals are available online.

    Q. "Should I buy the highest SEER rating I can afford?"

    A. The SEER rating will tell you the seasonal cooling efficiency of the unit. The unit's heating efficiency is expressed by its coefficient of performance (COP). Both units matter, but SEER is generally more important in hot climates, and COP is generally more important in cold climates.

  2. 5C8rvfuWev | | #2


    Here's an online ratings list I found.

    BUT -- I have no info regarding objectivity or reliability, so Buyer Beware. The source seems to be the "repairman's" experience.) Note the list is for heat pumps. For my own needs, I've tried talking to local installers and have found them more glib than knowledgeable, so I've resorted to calling manufacturers.

    If you find something better, please share.

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