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Heating systems throughout the US

marc.kleinmann | Posted in Mechanicals on

I would like to find out what the predominant heating systems are throughout the US’s different climate zones. I am very familiar with systems that are used in the south, but not at all with systems in colder climates. I am about to travel to Germany and have meetings with several vendors that want to bring their products to market here in the US – there are some very promising products in the energy efficient heating systems sector, but the majority of systems there are closed loop water heated radiator systems powered by natural gas or fossil fuels. Thx in advance for chiming in.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Here in Vermont, where few homes have central air conditioning, most heating systems are hydronic (that is, heated with a boiler).

    In warmer areas of the country, where air conditioning is more common, new homes usually include forced air systems, since these systems include ductwork that can be used to distribute warm air during the winter and cool air during the summer.

    In Germany, heating systems are usually hydronic. Where air conditioning is common, most European builders install ductless mini-split units.

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