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myadanny | Posted in Mechanicals on

Would like to know if an air to water heat pump hydronic floor system ,with a furnace back-up for heat and air would be feasible in Zone 6 (Barrie,Ontario) ?

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  1. Aedi | | #1

    Its perfectly feasible, as there are multiple heat pumps on the market that work below -25C. However, it expensive and a bit silly to have both a hydronic and ducted heating system. It is best to just chose one.

    If you plan to cool your building in the summer, it is most economical to just use a ducted heating system (or use ductless minisplits throughout the home). A well designed and properly sized system will eliminate most of the noise and comfort qualms people have with ducted systems.

    Hydronic heating makes most sense (relatively speaking) for 1-story homes on slabs without cooling loads, but is arguable for other homes without cooling loads. For backup heating, you can include a secondary electric water heater, use electric resistance space heaters, or maybe include a wood stove if power outages are your concern.

    Its also worth noting that air-to-water heat pumps are still fairly expensive, especially compared to their ductless mini split cousins.

  2. joshdurston | | #2


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