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Has Anyone Used an Artificial Intelligence Program to Design HVAC?

rockies63 | Posted in General Questions on

I saw this video on Youtube by Corbett Lunsford where he did just that with ChatGPT and he was amazed at the quality of the results.

Anyone else have experience with this? With all the concerns in the news lately about artificial intelligence being a “possible threat” to humanity I wonder how accurate the information is that it provides

And as a completely irrelevant (but incredibly funny) demonstration of what AI can do, let’s watch Arnold Schwarzenegger sing about rainbows 🙂


  1. Patrick_OSullivan | | #1

    ChatGPT isn't going to "design" you an HVAC system in the same way it isn't going to "create" you a chocolate chip cookie recipe.

    It can distill takeaways from existing corpora of data and research, but that's about it.

    What is commonly called "AI" is really more accurately described as "machine learning". Is that interesting for things this lovely website is interested in? Absolutely.

    You can imagine taking lots of inputs about the buildings we create and putting them into models which can help influence the design of things like HVAC systems.

    After all, our existing design techniques are all just model-driven, and very linear ones at that. There is room for innovation, but "ChatGPT" is not, by itself, that innovation.

  2. BirchwoodBill | | #2

    Elements of AI have been used in industrial control for decades to control processes. You can apply the same principles to residential HVAC automation for ERV, heat pumps, solar, and electrical panels. The difficult part is determining what is comfortable—that is always subjective.

  3. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #3

    When ChatGPT first hit, for a while whenever I had a question I couldn't find the answer to with a few minutes of Googling, I would ask ChatGPT. I found that it consistently gave answers that were well-written, comprehensive, confident -- and 100% wrong. I'll post some examples.

  4. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #4

    Q: My living room has a cathedral ceiling that is unvented. I'm planning on insulating it by filling the 2x8 rafters with unfaced fiberglass insulation. I'm in climate zone 4. Is this a good plan?

    Insulating your cathedral ceiling with unfaced fiberglass insulation can be a good plan, but it's important to consider a few factors before proceeding. Here are some things to keep in mind:

    Building Code Requirements: Check your local building codes to ensure that this type of insulation installation is allowed and meets the required standards for your area.

    Moisture Control: Cathedral ceilings can be prone to moisture issues, especially if there is no ventilation. Ensure that your ceiling has adequate vapor barriers to prevent moisture buildup. Additionally, consider installing a vented soffit system or other ventilation methods to allow moisture to escape.

    Air Sealing: Before insulating, it's crucial to properly air seal the ceiling to prevent air leakage. Use caulk or foam sealants to seal any gaps, cracks, or openings in the ceiling to maximize energy efficiency.

    Insulation Type: Fiberglass insulation is a common choice for its affordability and availability. However, you might want to consider other insulation options that offer higher R-values per inch, such as spray foam or rigid foam insulation. These can provide better thermal performance in a limited space like a cathedral ceiling.

    Fire Safety: Ensure that the chosen insulation material complies with fire safety regulations. Fiberglass insulation is typically non-combustible, but it's essential to confirm its specific fire rating.

    Professional Advice: It's always a good idea to consult with a professional contractor or insulation specialist who can evaluate your specific situation and provide tailored recommendations based on your climate, local regulations, and the characteristics of your home.

    Remember, insulating a cathedral ceiling can be a complex task, and the success of the insulation project depends on various factors. Seeking professional guidance and following best practices will help ensure a successful and effective insulation installation.

  5. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #5

    Q: I am installing a new heating and air conditioning system in my three bedroom home. The contractor is recommending a four-head minisplit system with one head in each bedroom and one head in the living room. Is this a good choice?

    A four-head minisplit system with one head in each bedroom and one head in the living room can be a good choice for heating and air conditioning your three-bedroom home. Minisplit systems offer several advantages, such as individual temperature control, energy efficiency, and ease of installation compared to traditional HVAC systems.

    Here are some factors to consider when evaluating this recommendation:

    Individual temperature control: With a minisplit system, each room or zone has its own indoor unit (head), allowing occupants to set their preferred temperatures independently. This feature enhances comfort and can be particularly beneficial in a multi-bedroom home where occupants may have different temperature preferences.

    Energy efficiency: Minisplit systems are known for their energy efficiency. They use advanced inverter technology to adjust the compressor speed and match the cooling or heating load of each zone, resulting in energy savings compared to central HVAC systems. By independently controlling each room's temperature, you can avoid wasting energy on unoccupied or less frequently used areas.

    Zoning flexibility: The ability to have separate heads in each bedroom and the living room provides zoning flexibility. You can cool or heat only the rooms that are occupied, potentially reducing energy consumption further. Zoning also allows you to tailor the comfort levels in different areas of the house based on specific needs.

    Installation considerations: Minisplit systems are generally easier to install compared to ducted HVAC systems, as they require minimal ductwork, if any. This can be an advantage when retrofitting a home or in situations where installing ducts may be difficult or expensive.

    However, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider:

    Cost: Minisplit systems can be more expensive upfront compared to traditional HVAC systems, primarily due to the cost of individual indoor units (heads) and the outdoor compressor unit. It's important to evaluate the initial investment against the long-term energy savings and comfort benefits.

    Aesthetics: Each indoor unit (head) will be visible in its respective room. While modern minisplit units are designed to be sleek and unobtrusive, some people may find them less aesthetically pleasing compared to concealed ductwork or centralized HVAC systems.

    Maintenance: Minisplit systems require regular maintenance, including cleaning or replacing filters, and periodic inspection of the indoor and outdoor units. Ensuring proper maintenance is essential for optimal performance and longevity of the system.

    It's also crucial to consult with your contractor regarding the specific heating and cooling needs of your home, as well as factors like insulation, climate, and budget. They can provide a more accurate assessment based on the unique characteristics of your property.

  6. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #6

    Q: One bedroom in my house is unheated. Does it need to be insulated?

    Insulating an unheated bedroom can be beneficial, depending on your specific circumstances and climate. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to insulate the unheated bedroom:

    Climate: If you live in a region with cold winters or significant temperature variations, insulation can help maintain a more comfortable temperature in the room. It can prevent heat loss during winter and reduce heat gain during hot summers.

    Comfort: Insulating the bedroom can make it more comfortable to occupy, especially during extreme weather conditions. It helps to minimize drafts, uneven temperatures, and condensation, which can contribute to a damp or uncomfortable environment.

    Energy efficiency: Insulation can improve energy efficiency by reducing heat transfer. By insulating the unheated bedroom, you can potentially prevent heat loss from adjacent heated spaces, thereby reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.

    Noise reduction: Insulation not only helps with temperature control but can also provide some degree of soundproofing. If the unheated bedroom is located near noisy areas or if you prefer a quieter environment, insulation can help dampen sound transmission.

    Moisture control: Insulating the unheated bedroom can help prevent condensation and moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. Proper insulation, along with adequate ventilation, can create a more balanced and dry environment.

    Budget: Insulating the room will involve some cost, depending on the size of the space and the type of insulation chosen. Consider your budget and weigh the potential long-term benefits against the upfront expenses.

    Ultimately, the decision to insulate the unheated bedroom depends on your specific needs, priorities, and local conditions. Consulting with a professional insulation contractor or energy auditor can provide you with more personalized advice based on your situation.

  7. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #7

    Q: Is it a good idea to line the underside of a roof with radiant bubble insulation?
    Installing radiant bubble insulation on the underside of a roof can be an effective way to reduce heat loss in the winter and reduce heat gain in the summer. However, it's important to consider a few things before making a decision.

    First, you should consider the type of roof you have. Some types of roofs, such as flat roofs, may not be suitable for this type of insulation. In addition, if you have a pitched roof, the insulation should be installed correctly to avoid trapping moisture in the attic space.

    Second, you should consider the ventilation of your attic. Proper ventilation is essential for the health of your roof and to prevent moisture problems. If your attic is not properly ventilated, the insulation may not perform as well and could potentially cause moisture problems.

    Finally, you should consider the cost and availability of the insulation material. Radiant bubble insulation can be more expensive than other types of insulation, so it's important to weigh the potential energy savings against the cost of the material and installation.

    In conclusion, installing radiant bubble insulation on the underside of a roof can be a good idea, but it's important to consider the type of roof you have, the ventilation of your attic, and the cost of the material before making a decision.

  8. Trevor_Lambert | | #8

    ChatGPT seems like an exemplar of the axiom garbage in, garbage out. It basically just combs the internet for hot and cold takes on the subject, and regurgitates it. The internet is filled with spurious information, and it appears to have ZERO ability to differentiate it from good information. Is that intelligence? Seems a lot closer to stupidity to me.

  9. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #9

    AI is most useful where answers aren't known or are unknowable. The principles of designing HVAC are well-known. Traditional design tools that embody those principles are more appropriate.

  10. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #10

    What some sites are doing now is using AI not for answers, but for questions. Look at a site like this one, see which kinds of questions generate the most user engagement, and generate more like that.

    1. Andrew_C | | #11

      I haven't played w/ ChatGPT yet. Can you tell it what to use for source material, eg, tell it not to use any social media, or only use peer-reviewed professional articles?

  11. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #12

    OK, one last one, for fun:
    Write a message in the style that user DC_Contrarian would post at on the pros and cons of thermal mass in building design.

    Subject: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Thermal Mass in Building Design

    Hey folks,

    I've been pondering the concept of thermal mass in building design and thought it would be worth starting a discussion to explore its pros and cons. As with any architectural element, thermal mass comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and I believe it's important to weigh them in the context of specific projects. So, let's dive in!

    Pros of Thermal Mass:

    Temperature Regulation: One of the most significant advantages of incorporating thermal mass is its ability to moderate indoor temperatures. By absorbing excess heat during the day and releasing it at night, thermal mass can help maintain a more stable and comfortable environment throughout the day.

    Energy Efficiency: Buildings with appropriate thermal mass can potentially reduce the need for active heating and cooling systems. By leveraging the natural energy flows, such as solar radiation and diurnal temperature variations, the reliance on mechanical equipment can be minimized, leading to energy savings and reduced operational costs.

    Thermal Comfort: Thermal mass can contribute to improved thermal comfort by reducing temperature fluctuations and creating a more consistent indoor climate. It can mitigate the discomfort caused by sudden temperature changes, providing occupants with a more pleasant living or working environment.

    Environmental Benefits: By reducing the energy consumption of buildings, incorporating thermal mass can have a positive impact on the environment. Decreased reliance on fossil fuel-powered heating and cooling systems can result in lower greenhouse gas emissions, helping combat climate change and promote sustainability.

    Cons of Thermal Mass:

    Slow Response Time: One of the main challenges with thermal mass is its relatively slow response time. It takes time for the mass to absorb or release heat, meaning that sudden weather changes may not be immediately reflected in the indoor environment. This lag can result in temporary discomfort until the thermal mass adjusts.

    Design Complexity: Incorporating thermal mass into building design requires careful planning and coordination. Factors such as material selection, placement, and orientation play crucial roles in optimizing its effectiveness. Without proper design considerations, the benefits of thermal mass may not be fully realized, potentially leading to wasted resources.

    Location Sensitivity: The effectiveness of thermal mass is highly dependent on the climate and location of the building. In regions with extreme temperature variations or high humidity, thermal mass may not provide significant benefits or may even become a liability. It's crucial to assess the local climate and understand its impact on thermal mass performance.

    Cost Considerations: While the long-term energy savings associated with thermal mass can be substantial, the initial investment can sometimes be higher compared to conventional construction methods. Specialized materials and construction techniques may be required, adding to the upfront costs. Careful cost-benefit analysis is essential to determine the feasibility and economic viability of incorporating thermal mass.

    In conclusion, thermal mass can be a valuable tool in building design, offering benefits such as temperature regulation, energy efficiency, and improved thermal comfort. However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks, such as slow response time, design complexity, location sensitivity, and cost considerations.

    I'm eager to hear your thoughts on the subject. Have you had any experiences with incorporating thermal mass in your projects? How did it affect the overall performance and user experience? Let's discuss and learn from each other's insights!

    Best regards,


  12. rockies63 | | #13

    So, DC_Contrarian, how did your own analysis of a design problem differ from what ChatGPT suggested? Was it wrong in the sense that it specified something dangerous or impossible to do correctly, it was too vague or it didn't know to add something that you knew was needed?

    It would be interesting to see how the analysis of the design problem Corbett inputted into the program would differ if you asked the same thing? And what if you added the parameters that he suggested at the end of the video, like the air-tightness of the house, etc? How would that change things?

    Also, didn't anyone watch Arnold?
    Come on, people! Arnold Schwarzenegger singing as Judy Garland from the Wizard of Oz? That's a keeper, folks! LOL!

    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #14

      I picked the questions I asked to be hard. These would be the kind of questions I would ask someone if I was interviewing them to see if they knew their stuff.

      So let's look at #4 for example: "Q: My living room has a cathedral ceiling that is unvented. I'm planning on insulating it by filling the 2x8 rafters with unfaced fiberglass insulation. I'm in climate zone 4. Is this a good plan?"

      First off, a roof always needs to either be vented, or it has to have either an exterior insulation layer above the sheathing or closed cell spray foam on the underside of the sheathing. Since I stipulated that it's unvented, fiberglass batt insulation is completely inappropriate.

      In a heating climate there needs to be a vapor retarder on the warm side of an insulated assembly. I specified that this is zone 4 which is a heating climate, so unfaced insulation is inappropriate. Or a smart vapor retarder should be specified.

      In zone 4, roofs should be insulated to a minimum of R-38. I specified that this roof is framed with 2x8's. Filling the rafter bays with fiberglass gives R-29. To give the required R-value either the rafters need to be padded out, closed cell foam needs to be used instead, or exterior insulation needs to be added.

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