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Has anyone tried this?

cbachand47 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Another Robert Argue related question…I was wondering if anyone has tried/had success with framing exterior curtain walls and then dense-packing cellulose into them…then re-siding. I am considering stripping the clapboard siding off my 110 yr old house in the NEK of Vermont and using Argue’s (Super insulated retrofit circa 1981) idea of framing exterior curtain walls, sans 6mil poly, dense-packing the cavities, framed 24″ o.c., capping this with 1/2″ cdx fir plywood and my wrb. Finally applying vinyl siding. Thank you for your thoughts and opinions.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Sounds like a variation on a standard Larsen truss retrofit job: All About Larsen Trusses.

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