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Has anyone compared the latest FLIR One, FLIR C2, and SEEK?

user-198087 | Posted in General Questions on

Small, relatively inexpensive thermal cameras have been on the market for a short time, maybe as little as two years. I have read and seen a few reviews of the FLIR One and SEEK, but have not seen a review of the FLIR C2. The C2 is advertised as a pocket-size infrared camera and sells for about $700. The FLIR One and SEEK are both devices that attach to smartphones and sell for about $250. The “early” FLIR One reportedly had problems with battery life and with unexpected shutdown. Is anyone aware of improvements in the FLIR One during the last year that would eliminate the battery and shutdown problems? Does anyone have experience with the FLIR C2, which appears to be even newer than the FLIR One?

I am interested in using the device to assist in locating hidden issues without trying to match the resolution of a much more expensive professional infrared imager.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Patrick Mccombe | | #1

    Fine Homebuilding magazine tested the Flir C2 several months ago. Here's a link to the review:

  2. makalutoo | | #2

    It looks like these would be a good tool to use while building. It seems like the seek has better specs but flir has better software.

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