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Hardwood installation

bishop645 | Posted in General Questions on

How does one correct for the the common area (hard wood) not being straight during installation now that I’m installing hard wood into the corresponding bedrooms?

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  1. wjrobinson | | #1

    Mask any change with a custom threshold at the doors. If what you need is a long taper change, get our your chalk line and snap a plan. Split our the differences amongs enough ripped boards to hide all as best you can.

    Rooms can have boarder boards, rooms can have a change in direction perpendicular...

    Furniture, and area rugs will help you....

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Plan your layout carefully before you begin. Check for parallelism and check to see if corners are actually at 90 degrees. Split the differences to account for any discrepancies, and use a chalkline.

    The long sightlines at hallways and along the lengths of a room should be straight, without any jarring problems.

  3. gusfhb | | #3

    If it makes sense for the room, change direction of the flooring at the doorway

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