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GU24 base CFL?

Perry Alan | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I have just had a home built that is an energy efficient home. All the light fixtures are designed to take gu24 CFL’s. After three days the first CFL blew the second within a week the third just blew and we have not been in the home a month. I had a electrician check the voltage and earth to the CFL ha says there is no problem with the wiring.

What is the buzz with these CFL’s they may be energy efficient but if there life span is so short they will prove to be financially prohibative..Looking online I see that adaptors to the Edison screw base is advertised everywhereis this because the gu24 base is problimatic?

Please advise what I should do, thank you, Alan Perry

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    Alan, here is an earlier piece, somewhat related:

    My advice is to buy Energy Star-labeled bulbs. All indications are that they tend to be better quality and last longer.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    You'll probably find that many GBA readers prefer Edison-base bulbs. I do.

    That said, I think that if you experiment with different brands, you will eventually find GU24 bulbs that work for you.

  3. lutro | | #3

    When my CFLs fail early, I return them to the vendor. I have never had a vendor refuse to replace one (at no cost). When I purchase a bulb (and most things), I write the date on it, using an indelible marker. When it fails, I have an indication of the age, and can do an off-the-cuff calculation of the number of hours of use, based on location. Vendors have not demanded sales receipts. I buy from good vendors.

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