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Green Building Companies Going Out of Business

rockies63 | Posted in General Questions on

There is a recent thread asking about Ultimateair possibly going out of business.

Many people were interested in their products but apparently because their company was quite small it was badly affected by Covid and is not currently selling new product or servicing existing clients.

If you were considering Ultimateair what other brands of HRV/ERV’s are recommended instead?

Also, who else knows of other green building companies that are no longer functioning so people can make other choices?

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  1. BirchwoodBill | | #1

    Minotair is one. AprilAire ducted through a water cooled air handler is my top choice. Air handler has a VFD that can slowly move the air across air coils. So it should be able to ventilate and dehumidify without spending a lot of money. Cooling comes from an Artic Heat Pump.

  2. Expert Member


    Maybe not the most sophisticated way of looking at it, but I'd suggest the brands commonly available at big box stores probably have sound business models.

    Venmar is stocked at all three. Panasonic are also widely available.

  3. RolanGoblen | | #3

    You can try reaching out to local green building organizations or looking up industry news to see which companies are thriving.

  4. LauMercury | | #4

    Hello! I'm sorry to hear about Ultimateair going out of business. As for HRV/ERV brands, many great options exist. Some of the popular ones include Panasonic, Broan, and Fantech. As for other green building companies that are no longer functioning, I'm still trying to figure it out. However, if you're interested in starting your own green building business, consider looking into franchising. It can be a great way to get started in a proven business model with the support of an established brand. Check out for more franchising information. Best of luck to you!

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