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GREAT STUFF Extreme Sealant for air sealing

alexdorf | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Hi all, 

I came across this product, which seems like a fantastic way to air-seal joints at the roof to wall connections in an unvented attic, especially with a small bead of caulk or spray foam. 


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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    Canned foam is great for sealing gaps and cracks but not great at sealing surfaces. I don't think there is a better one part gun foam that works better then the rest. I tend to use low expansion window foam as I always have it around for window installs.

    The important part is to clean the surface which is much harder than it sounds especially when dealing with older houses.

    P.S. Some gun foam will not cure when left on the gun, I would try to find one of those as you don't have to worry about cleaning your gun.

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