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Good source for Acoustical Sealant?

jbmoyer | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Anyone know where I can purchase Tremco Acoustical Sealant for a good price?

Everywhere I look its going for about $16 per 30 oz tube!

I can get OSI Draft and Acoustical sealant for $6 per 30 oz tube from a local supplier.

Does anyone has any experience with the OSI brand?

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  1. user-954346 | | #1

    I used OSI acoustical sealant for my attic airsealing. I was pleased with it. When the air temp gets below 40F it is hard to work with as the label warns. I bought it through my local lumber yard, Fullerton Lumber. I live in southeast SD. Paid less than $5 for 29oz tube.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    In the past, I've bought Tremco sealant from Energy Federation Inc. (, although they don't publish their Tremco prices online.

    You can get Tremco sealant from BetterEnergyStore for $10.82 per tube -- here is the link:

  3. homedesign | | #3

    I have been wondering how the price of acoustical sealant compared to the price of EPDM gaskets.
    For instance for the purpose of AirTightDrywall.
    I seem to remember the gaskets to be about 50cents a linear foot.
    does this sound right?

    Brett(or anyone)... do you have any idea how many linear feet of sealant per 30oz tube?

  4. user-723121 | | #4

    Try S&S Sales Corp. in Bloomington, MN, they carry all of the Tremco products at a good price.


  5. user-939142 | | #5

    OSI also has a green series of acoustical sealant now too that any hardware store carrying OSI products should be able to order if they don't have it. it is around the $6 per tube in cases

  6. user941025 | | #6

    ... Hey, thanks, Doug--you're not kidding.

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