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Getting spray foam into tight spaces

John_Brown | Posted in Green Building Techniques on


I finally got to the dry-in stage of my shop.  It’s been a long road but I’m fairly pleased with the result.  It’s a timber frame enclosed with SIPS.  I’m getting ready to foam the gaps around the windows and my door.  I have a Dow Great Stuff Gun which I like but I may get a can of the Lock-Tite foam as well for the electrical chases in my panels.

Does anyone have any tips for using the cans versus the gun?  I know the cans are kind of a mess if you don’t use the entire can so I want to have a strategy once I start spraying.  I have had good luck with the gun but the applicator tip doesn’t seem as narrow as the can so I may try cans for the super tight spots.

I built the structure pretty tight so I guess that’s encouraging.


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  1. user-318301 | | #1

    Hi John...
    I believe you can just use a piece of flexible tubing like this:
    also see this video:
    hope this helps!

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    You might want to read "Justin Fink’s Canned Spray Foam Tip" -- along with the article that inspired it, "You Don’t Know Foam."

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