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Solar Shingles

user-1102988628 | Posted in General Questions on

Has anyone installed GAF solar shingles (Timberline Solar of Decotech) on their roofs? Wondering if they work well.

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  1. greenright | | #1

    If they are anything like the now defunct Tesla shingles, they are far less efficient and cost x3. You are better off with regular solar panels.

  2. nynick | | #2

    I had the rep come and give me a quote/presentation. The most interesting part of this was he told me I could get tax credits on the ENTIRE roof replacement when using these, since I was replacing the whole roof anyway and using lots of GAF solar shingles.. Usually you only get the solar costs as credits. This changes the math, but I'm still undecided on solar anyway.

    1. user-1102988628 | | #3

      Thats funny... I had a solar panel sales person tell me the same thing! Is it a mistake or sleazy practices.

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