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Gable vent

user-1105327 | Posted in General Questions on

Hi everyone,
Does anyone have any suggestions on designing and building gable vents? other than ‘do not design and build a gable vent.’… Thanks!
I am particularly concerned with preventing blowing snow from entering the attic…

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  1. belmanliving | | #1

    The gable vents found on the average home are made out of wood and have screen wire backing. What material you want to use?

  2. user-1105327 | | #2

    hi jenny, i want to use the same...

  3. user-1105327 | | #3

    i'm just wondering, maybe there is some magical material that reduces spindrift...?

  4. Expert Member

    That would be Cor-a Vent

  5. user-1105327 | | #5

    malcolm, i'm somewhat familiar with cor-a-vent. i took quick look at their website, however, and i did not see any products to use to build a gable vent...?

  6. Expert Member

    Erik, the strips of cor-a- vent used for the bottom of ventilated cavities and at roof ridges stop wind blown snow while still allowing air movement and could be built into the spaces between the wooden louvers on a gable vent.

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