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Gable soffit

eorr | Posted in General Questions on


If I have soffit vents at the eaves and a ridge vent (no gable vent), would it make any difference if I add a vented soffit along the gable? Or should I build an unvented soffit along the gable?

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    If you have continuous venting on the soffits and ridge, you don't need any more.

    1. eorr | | #2

      Thanks, Malcolm, do you mean continuous venting on the eave soffits and the ridge? Then would vented soffits at the gables throw off venting the same way a gable vent would?

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


        The idea that gable vents short circuit ridge vents has been walked back by Joe L and Martin. Using vented soffit material on the gable would do no harm at all (most production builders use the same stuff everywhere) , but usually the framing between the gable overhang and the main roof is not connected, as there is blocking over the gable wall. My response would better have been phrased: Use any material you want on the gable end soffits. It doesn't make much difference either way.

        1. eorr | | #4

          Thank you, that makes sense.

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