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furnace efficeincy

NormHanson | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I have a Carrier gas furnace and am wondering what the efficiency rating is. The model number is 58SS-100-121. The input of the unit is 99,000 BTU/HR output is 119,000 BTU/HR
Please advise,
Norm Hanson

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  1. Jon_R | | #1

    > The input of the unit is 99,000 BTU/HR output is 119,000 BTU/HR

    About 120%. Definitely one to hang on to :-).

  2. charlie_sullivan | | #2

    Guessing from the age, I expect about 80% efficiency. The model number indicates 100,000 BTU/h nominal input, so 99,000 BTU/h actual input sounds right. 119,000 BTU/h must be a mistake, as that should be something more like 79,000 BTU/h, but I'm not sure where that number came from. It's possible that it's actually 119 input and 99 output, in which case it's 83% efficient. That could be the case if it got modified or if the model number is actually 58SS-120-___

  3. walta100 | | #3

    If the exact number is not the point, if the vent pipes are made of plastic it is high efficiency condensing that will greater than 90% if the vent pipes are steel it is non condensing less than 83%. I do not recall seeing any models in between.


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