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Fujitsu RLS3 or RLS3H

srivenkat | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

For zipcode 61820 (champaign) which would be more appropriate? According to the below, the 99% heating temperature is 1F. Since the plain RLS3 is rated to -5F, would I be OK with NOT going with RLS3H? Or is there some other factor that I should be taking into account? Thanks in advance.

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  1. srivenkat | | #1

    Also, I see the Input Power column on PDF page 16 in the below, include the 150W pan heater from 32F downwards. Does anyone know if the pan heater will always come on at 32F or only when it detects frost/ice conditions. Thanks in advance.

  2. Jon_R | | #2

    Possible damage or no-heat caused by a frozen drain pan is something I'd be conservative about. 99% isn't 100%.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #3

    The -H is going to be worth it in your neighborhood, where defrost ice build up is more than a theoretical possibility.

    The pan heater only comes on intermittently as-needed for defrost cycles and only when there is an ice risk. It's nothing like a 100% duty cycle whenever it drops below freezing.

  4. srivenkat | | #4

    Thanks, Dana.

  5. srivenkat | | #5

    Also, I see on PDF page 4 of the specs above that, along with the pan heater, the XLTH versions also have "Improvement of cold-proof specification of parts" and "Structural improvements". I will go with the -H. Thanks again.

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