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Foam Footing Form/ICF Blocks with Finished Exterior

Patrick_OSullivan | Posted in General Questions on

I am trying to decide if I completely imagined the existence of a product, or if I saw it before but now cannot locate it!

I have a memory of a product that could be used for frost protected shallow foundations that was a U shaped (and corner shaped) foam, for pouring a footing. The unique attribute was that the foam was also finished on the exterior side to protect from damage at/above grade.

Am I crazy, or is Google failing me trying to find this product?

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  1. BirchwoodBill | | #1

    Are you referring to WarmForm from

    Protecting the foam can be as simple as PVC trim board.

  2. Expert Member



  3. Patrick_OSullivan | | #3

    Thank you both Bill and Malcom!

    I am not [as] crazy [as I thought I was]! This is actually what I was failing to recall.

    I pride myself on my ability to find things using Google, etc., and this completely eluded me. That makes me think that they need to tweak the keywords they're using for SEO and maybe ditch the umlaut in their name.

    Interesting it's more readily found when you focus a query on foam for *slab* rather than a footing.

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