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flashing tape + liquid flashing in lieu of solid metal for brick veneer window sills?

cs55 | Posted in General Questions on

have replaced all of the windows in my house and only 1 window has any visible water damage, which is also the only window without any overhang. is what i was going for, but going with metal flashing will be troublesome.  none of my exterior brick sills have any flashing like in that photo, when i talked to some masonry  contractors that focused on new construction that photo was greek to them : )

how dumb or ill advised would it be to do that, but with or some other tape, use two different pre fabricated metal flashing , use the L flashing as a back dam, and the drip edge under the brick sill.  then tie it all together with liquid flashing.

better than nothing? waste of time ? if not a terrible idea, any suggestions for 12″ minimum tape? that stainless steel tape seems alright.

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  1. freyr_design | | #1

    Call a local hvac shop and have them bend you a custom flashing piece out of single piece. They will do exact dimensions. If first hvac shop can’t ask who in area has 10’ brake

    1. cs55 | | #3

      48" brake from china already arrived.

      came to the realization that im dumb as hell and can't make a singular piece pan for a 48" window with a 48" brake hahahah

      i'd have to make separate end dams, or do two pieces with a seam in the mid

      but hey, at least i have another tool in the garage.

  2. cs55 | | #2

    yea, i know thats the best way :/

    my main concern was being able to get the measurements precise enough with the window still installed

    for the cost of a roll of tape i could get a basic 48 inch metal brake, that might be my best option. its a 48" wide window so if i went with my liquid flash idea then id eat up $40 worth of liquid gold just for the pan.

    if i take out old window, measure, provide measurements to shop then im without a window for a bit unless im lucky and can get one same day.

    buying a brake seems like an okay idea.

    what metal do you guys usually use? if i went with stainless steel what # would be best for outside exposure with mortar contact

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