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Fiber-cement siding

Palino5 | Posted in General Questions on


I have a 3 ft Cinder-block retaining wall that I would like to put fiber cement siding on (a wood looking wall for aesthetics only) . can this be done and how should I secure it to the wall?

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    Is this wall part of your home?

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    You can probably do it by fastening vertical furring strips to the wall using TapCon fasteners. Then fasten the siding to the furring strips.

    If this is an outdoor retaining wall, I would probably use pressure-treated 2x4s for the furring strips. The only long-term question concerns moisture. You probably know how wet the retaining wall is; we don't.

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