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Exterior siding insulation

DenPri | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Is there a way to add insulation to the exterior of a house? I live in a poorly-insulated (built 1922) brick semi-detached home with a long straight brick wall along one side, essentially invisible from street or back yard (because it is only a few feet from the next house). The trick is it would have to be relatively thin, since it’s right at the property line. Of course it would have to be covered by some sort of new siding. Anyone seen this done before?

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  1. Expert Member
    KOHTA UENO | | #1

    This is probably a thicker "build out" than you want, but it is generally in the right direction.

    BSI-079: Deep-Dish Retrofits

  2. DenPri | | #2

    This is definitely the right direction--not sure how much leeway I'll have as far as build-out, but glad to see they even address that in this article. Thanks!

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