Exterior options?
What would you all consider as good options for a long term wall assembly with no rain screen? Types and manufacturers of the cladding options. Zone 2A, hot and humid. Could be 2×4 or 2×6 walls, will be insulated and air sealed. I am primarily thinking about stick framed but maybe a block wall would be good?
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I suggest that you narrow the focus of your question. It sounds like you aren't sure whether you want a concrete block (CMU) wall or a wood-framed wall; if wood-framed, whether to use 2x4s of 2x6s; what type of sheathing to use; what type of siding to use; what type of insulation to use.
That's a lot of questions.
It seems that all you are certain about is that you don't like rainscreens. (By the way, why not?)
Here are links to articles you might want to read:
"Structure: Exterior Walls"
"Concrete Block"
"How to Design a Wall"
"Wall Sheathing Options"
"All About Rainscreens"
I'm guessing from your question that you are most worried about the longevity of your cladding. I am puzzled by your insistence of no rain screen (as it usually improves the longevity of the assembly), but I'll put that aside for now.
One of the most important factors in cladding longevity is design details. If you protect your cladding from the weather, it will greatly extend its lifetime. For shorter buildings, this means large roof overhangs, and adding details to protect your windows where necessary. You'll also want to pay careful attention to flashing.
If you do that, you can basically use any type of cladding you want, provided it doesn't require a rainscreen.