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Extending Roofing Tin Without Removing Panels

atburi | Posted in General Questions on
Hi everyone,
On our new build, we ended up cutting the roofing tin too short and now need to extend it by 1-2”. Instead of unscrewing all the metal roofing and sliding it down, are there any other safe and reliable ways to extend the metal flashing over the fascia and into the gutters?
I’ve attached a photo of the roof decking below the metal. Beneath the metal, we have a Grace Ice and Water shield membrane with 1/2” plywood below that.
One idea we’re considering is unscrewing the bottom few rows of screws from the tin, peeling up the membrane, and sliding flashing underneath, then re-sealing everything.
Any other suggestions?

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  1. Expert Member


    I have done this. I had a drip-edge flashing made with an extended back leg, which overlapped the roof panels by 12". Before slipping it under the panels (not under the membrane) run butyl tape along the top within a couple of inches of the end of the flashing leg.

    1. atburi | | #2

      Thanks, Malcolm! It sounds like a solid solution. Any idea how it has held up over time with weather exposure? Also, I’m curious—how many rows of screws did you need to remove to lift the panels far enough to slide and tape the 12” extension?

      1. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #3


        It's had no problems, nor do I anticipate any.

        The further up you remove screws the easier the job will be. I removed the bottom two rows of screws, meaning the panels could flex over their lower four ft.

        1. atburi | | #4


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