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Extending the UV exposure time of flashing tape

kevinjm4 | Posted in General Questions on

I’m wondering if there’s a way to protect my flashing tapes from uv exposure.

They are all fast approaching their UV exposure limit, and I won’t be able to re-side before then most likely. What can I do to extend the time I have until re-siding is necessary? I.e what can be done to protect the tapes from uv. The simplest and easiest thing I could think to do was cover wherever there is flashing tape with tar paper roofing felt, or building paper.

I get that these UV exposure limits can probably be pushed beyond their recommended exposure limit, but I would just rather not push it and play it safe, and extend, if you will, the life of my flashing tapes until I can get around to finishing the siding, which is hopefully only a few months away.

thanks for the help.

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  1. Trevor_Lambert | | #1

    I would think painting over the tape should work as well.

  2. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #2

    Looks like Trevor beat me to it.

    Get some cheap BLACK paint, and slather on a heavy coat over any exposed tape. That should buy you at least a few more months of protection, and probably a lot more. The black pigments are best for UV resistance, and the opaque paints help block light from getting through to whatever is under the paint.


  3. Peter Yost | | #3

    Hi Kevin -

    I had to leave exterior closed cell spray foam exposed for more time than I wanted to some years ago on our home, so I just tacked up whatever sheet goods I could find that would stand up to some wind. It all looked like hell, but cheap and easy shading.

    If you paint the tapes bear in mind that if you chose PSA tapes with vapor permeable backer that paint will reduce that.


    1. kevinjm4 | | #4

      Peter, I am unsure of the vapor permeability of my tapes, but I am using a combination of these three different tapes of you don’t mind...

      Tyvek flexwrapNF. 3m 8067, and Nichigo g-tape 3040bk. And some tyvek housewrap seam tape might get some paint on it too...

      I’m sure you are familiar with the first two tapes mentioned, and the third, well, I found this on the tds- HDPE Cloth Laminated with LDPE. and it also says Low water vapor transmittance : < 1 Perm ( 20ng/Pa/sec/m2) (at least I think this is relevant information for your concern)

      Is your concern much of a problem given the particular tapes I’ll be using?

  4. Colin63 | | #5

    I'm going to write a book... Stay out of box stores, go to your roofing supply company and ask for EPDM cover tape, primer and a roller. Guaranteed 30 years leak free. No worries about melting, bleeding out, adhesive failure. And it gets applied before house wrap directly to the plywood. House wrap is not water proof.

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