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Exposed White Pine Siding/Pine Tar

Tim_O | Posted in General Questions on

Hello all, we are building a house in Southeast Michigan.  Framing is getting started in about a week, likely not done and ready for siding until late October if not early November.  We are using a 3/4″ rain screen and tongue/groove white Pine siding over that.  The intent is to coat that with Pine Tar once it’s up.  Given that it won’t be up until November and that pine tar doesn’t like to go on cold… I’m concerned that I will need to wait until a warm day in April or May to apply it, leaving the bare pine on all winter.  Is there any concern with doing this, being that it’s over a rain screen?  I will ask our pine tar supplier as well.  I know a lot of folks here like pine siding and some have used pine tar so I figured I would ask here. The supplier recommended putting the pine tar on once the siding is up. 


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