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Exhaust vent for shop recommendations?

mikeysp | Posted in General Questions on

Hi, I am in zone 4a and am getting close to finishing my shop.

I was hoping to get some advice on an exhaust fan solution.

Buildign details: 28×56 (14ft ceiling) insulated shop. It is pretty tight and insulated on all sides and has 2″ xps under the slab.

It seems that an exhaust fan would be desirable for:
1. the occassion of smoke or fumes needing extraction.
2. the ability to draw air through building as seasonally appropriate. 

Ideas I have mulled over:
1. utilize a 1500 CFM Blower fan high on wall with motorized damper between fan and exhaust shutter as well as opposite end of shop to allow air in. Note: blower fan takes much mor eelectricity than radial fan).
2. utilized typical greenhouse low power radial  fan with automatic shutter. Would need to figure out air sealing when not in operationas these tend to be very very leaky. Note: these are very low power requirement and are much higher CFM also. 

Thank you for your advice.


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