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Community and Q&A

Everything at GBA is “Green Pro”?

user-1107427 | Posted in Webinar Follow-up Q&A on

Hey guys, I have no access to any story in the newletter as if it’s all pro. John [email protected]

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  1. user-2453173 | | #1

    The GBA website is being worked on. It has been for a few weeks on and off. I was not told exactly what is being done. I sent a question into customer support, that's what I was told. It seems to last an hour or more at a time and I have experienced times when no story is accessible as well (access denied). Also no official ETA on when the work will be finished.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    It's true: the GBA website is still plagued by a software glitch that sometimes leads visitors to a page that reads "Access Denied." We apologize for this infuriating glitch.

    If this happens to you, please send me an e-mail: martin [at] greenbuildingadvisor [dot] com. I'll do what I can.

  3. homedesign | | #3

    Maybe the "IT Guy" or webmaster is not motivated enough to solve this "infuriating glitch"...

    why not publish his home phone number so he/she can be contacted during "blackouts"

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