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European Windows, NFRC Ratings, and the UA Method

Tim_O | Posted in General Questions on

I’m wondering how many members have gone through a similar experience and what conclusions you made.  The window company we intend to order with gave me a heads up to talk with the inspector regarding the lack of an NFRC rating for some of their lines.  I did that, and my inspector and I both completely understand that the windows far exceed code minimum, however the code does require an NFRC U value, which these would not come with.  Salamander has a version of the BluEvolution 82 that does have an NFRC rating and is slightly more expensive, so not a dead-end.  

However, doing a little further digging, there is an option in the code that allows a total UA of the building to be calculated as an alternative.  And there is a table in the code for unrated windows.  Using that table, I can call my triple pane “unrated” windows as a 0.55 (there is no column for triple pane, so I used the double pane column).  Using that 0.55 u value, and the remainder of the assemblies, some basic math tells me I still exceed the UA method for performance, so I should be able to use this assembly without an NFRC rating.  I’m happy to list these tables and codes out if anyone needs.  My code is the 2015 IRC, but I don’t believe these codes changed. A triple pane column would be nice…  A nice inspector might let you use a combined single and double pane column to form a triple. 

So my questions are these – how have others dealt with the lack of an NFRC rating?  And who has done a UA calculation method.  I guess, what sorts of softwares or so on have code officials accepted?  I did my quick calc in excel… but thinking the inspector might want something more official.

I also hope this helps someone else – before you order windows from Europe, it’s worth a conversation with your inspector to see if it will be an issue.

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  1. Tim_O | | #1

    Kept going down this path... The unfortunate difficulty is that going by the UA method does not work, I missed a later section of the code. The average U value of the windows cannot be over 0.48, even in the UA method. So you can't just take the value from the "non-rated" window table and use that. However, it is an average, so only a small percentage of your windows need to be the true NFRC 0.12 or so that the Salamander BluEvolution82 are to bring your average window value below 0.48.

    It seems the only remaining path would be to go for a HERS rating.

  2. jesterblackdog | | #2

    hi Tim, it appears we are travelling some parallel routes in planning a home build this year. I'm glad I found your comment about nfrc ratings being required by the building department. I plan also to buy the Salamander Bluevolution 82 from EAS Boston. What is the NFRC rating for the Salamander triple pane? I will also ask EAS.

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