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Euro Window / Door Install Clips / Straps

hellofrompablo | Posted in General Questions on

Does anyone have a good source for where to purchase the install clips / straps that come with euro windows normally? I have installed plenty of these before and usually they come with them. However I purchased a door and windows for my own home off FB Marketplace and they were missing the straps. I do not need a whole box, just enough for a couple windows and a door. Having a hard time sourcing them in the US.

Thank you!


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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    I've installed these without clips. Remove the IGU from the frame (the glass retainers snap out), don't loose the IGU spacers as those need to go back or take of the operable window (hinge pins pop out, very quick). Plumb/square/level the frame in the rough opening and mount them with screws. Spray foam/seal with tape. Reinstall IGU/operable window.

    You could also DIY some clips from one of the steel mending plates and screw it into the frame. Just watch where the screws go so you don't hit the IGU.

    1. Tim_O | | #2

      I have a couple fixed windows coming that are mullioned together. This is the recommended install method, remove the glass, screw the window frame to the mullion/structure, re-insert the glass. I believe I have a video on how to do this for Salamander windows if needed (it's in polish, but you can see what's happening). My supplier is shipping the windows with the glass uninstalled to save that time for me.

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