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Seeking Recommendations for an ERV

CheeseCurd | Posted in Mechanicals on

Building a new home in Wisconsin and looking for an ERV recommendation. I’ve looked through numerous previous threads and it seems like Zehnder is the premier brand, but comes with a premium price. Is there a 2nd choice that is high quality and high efficiency? I’ve seen recommendations for Panasonic Intelli-Balance and Broan AI Series (neither are Energy-Star certified). Are there others I should be considering? Home will be ~2200 ft2 and ASHRAE 62.2 2019 says I will need 105 CFM. Thanks in advance!


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  1. joshdurston | | #1

    I would definitely get one with electronic balancing (as opposed to throttling dampers). The generally means variable speed ECM motors.

    This is a good resource to compare.

    This is the Canadian Versus good too. (has low temp ratings)

    The Panasonic intellibalance is good if it works with your target flowrates.
    Broan/Venmar/Vanee (same products) do off a high efficiency ERV model (It's the Gold Series Vanee but has other names when sold as Broan or Venmar).
    Renewaire has the EV Premium L

    1. CheeseCurd | | #2

      Thanks for your reply. Those are excellent resources. In terms of target flow rates, that seems to be a whole other can of worms. ASHRAE 62.2 2019 says 105 CFM, but I have read differing opinions including some who advocate for greatly over-sizing. This will be a 3 bedroom 2200 ft2 home with tightness around 1 ACH50 and I'm not sure what I need for ERV sizing.

  2. joshdurston | | #3

    I think you’ll find most of the ECM ERVs aside from the Panasonic can move more air than you need. But efficiency goes down and fan energy goes up as volume goes up.
    Get your continuous volume dialed in and probably distributed and balanced. The you can set a boost volume to use as needed.
    Careful effective supply and exhaust distribution trumps brute force over sizing.
    Or in other words I would take a tightly sized but nicely installed, balanced and sealed unit over a bigger unit that has standard low grade ducting with little sealing.

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