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EPS and butyl rubber

jackofalltrades777 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I had a question regarding a roof SIP and GRACE Ultra Peel & Stick – Butyl Based Membrane. The SIP has an EPS core and my concern is when a fastener punctures the peel & stick membrane, the rubberized butyl gets into the EPS core. It is a rubberized asphalt type of product. Since petroleum and EPS don’t mix, will this cause a problem?

I read that petroleum based products can eat away at EPS and literally melt it. Will this be a problem with GRACE peel & stick on the SIP roof with an EPS core?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Butyl-based peel-and-stick products are entirely different from rubberized-asphalt peel-and-stick projects. They use a butyl adhesive and, as far as I know, do not contain asphalt.

    If you have any further questions on compatibility, you should direct your questions to the technical help hotline at Grace: 800-444-6459.

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