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Efficient ERV Recommendations Anyone

idahobuild | Posted in General Questions on


Planning the ERV for the house (2,100 sq. ft.) and was wondering if anyone has recommendations for an efficient ERV make/model.


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  1. BirchwoodBill | | #1

    I am in zone 6A - in between two river valleys, which increase the humidity. Base on the zone: CERV2/Aprilaire, Minotair, or Messana ATU. You want to ventilate and control humidity to lower cost.

    1. Tim_O | | #2

      I've thought about these a bit. You don't get any "free" heat transfer and the heat pumps are not that efficient in them. Seems like overall, you'd use less energy to have a traditional ERV and a traditional cold climate heat pump. They may work well as dehumidifiers.

    2. idahobuild | | #4

      Thanks...I'll take a look at these.

  2. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #3

    Ventilation system sizing is based on a few factors, not just square footage:

    Zehnder is the gold standard of quality and efficiency. There are several other brands that cost less and have lower efficiency.

    In your situation, a Minotair Pentacare 12 or a Build Equinox CERV may be worth considering.

    1. idahobuild | | #5

      Thanks Michael - I'll look at these too.

  3. Expert Member
    Akos | | #6

    For value and performance you can't go wrong with the Panasonic IB100.

    If you have a lot of bathrooms, a larger unit will let you skip bath fans, in that case a Renewair EV premium L is a pretty good deal.

    They don't charge all that much extra for the bigger unit and when you run at it the low flow rate required for venting a house that size, the efficiency is pretty good. It also takes standard furnace filters which is a big cost save down the road.

    There are many other units out there, the reality is the BOM cost will have very little to do with actual installed cost, so your installer will probably want to install a brand they are familiar with. In that case, make sure to get one with ECM blowers (use way less power and are quieter), the ones with hexagonal counter flow cores are the more efficient option.

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